25 August 2023
13.00-13.45 CET
via Zoom Live from Aichi
onsite in Zurich, Toni Areal, Pfingstweidstr. 96, 8005 Zürich - Kammermusiksaal 1 - Room 5.K13
attend online https://zhdk.zoom.us/s/66338107572
Tomotaro Kaneko is an associate professor at Aichi University of the Arts. His field is aesthetics, and aural culture and he has organized the Japanese Art Sound Archive since 2017 (https://japaneseartsoundarchive.com/en/). His recent publications include ‘Sounds in 1970s Japanese art’ (in Aida, 2022), and ‘Arrangements of sounds from daily life: Amateur sound-recording contests and audio culture in Japan in the 1960s and 1970s’ (in Asian Sound Cultures: Voice, Noise, Sound, Technology, 2022).